or Finally A Role For Chris Again Where He’s Charming And Charismatic And Just Overall Loveable
….. by TeeJay
The Plot
All her life, Krystal has dreamed of raising a family, with a husband she loves, out there in California where life is exciting and hip and new. However, her dream bubble abruptly pops when she discovers that she can’t have children. Caught off guard by the news and unable to accept this unexpected change to their lives, Krystal’s husband leaves her. Feeling betrayed and utterly devastated, Krystal packs her bags and seeks shelter with one of her oldest friends, Corinne, back in her hometown.
Trying to deal with everything, Krystal’s life starts taking turns, and it leads her along paths she didn’t expect to go — making new friends in the process. It’s not just Corinne’s husband Kevin who makes Krystal feel welcome and sheltered again, it’s perhaps Kevin’s just as quirky brother Jared who pulls her back out of her shell, bit by bit.
The Character
Jared. He’s quirky, funny, charismatic, and just overall loveable, which is a really nice change from a lot of the stuff Chris has done lately (cough horror movies cough). You can’t not like Jared. Seriously. I wanna marry him right off the bat. Also: Tattoos.
The Likes
Almost everything. I really loved this movie. It took its time, which juxtaposes it against all fast-paced action that seems to flood theaters these days — but not in a bad way. Not at all. The story is spun so that you’re left guessing, but not too much to get bored with not being given enough hints. Chris is adorable, and so are all the other characters. The emotion was tangible, and the whole movie was just a lovely bright spot in my busy week when I took time to sit down and watch it.
The Dislikes
The only thing I can think of is that, perhaps, a few scenes could have been paced a little better, and the cinematography was somewhat experimental in places. But not overly so to taint the experience. Nothing related to Chris that I would even think to point out as a dislike.